Advanced Energy Resources

Embedded Networks

Services - Ground work

Embedded Networks

Just as Embedded Generation is increasing in Australia, so too are Embedded Networks.

What are Embedded Networks?

Embedded networks are private electricity distributions networks which serve multiple sites or loads. The embedded network typically operates with a single point of connection to the Western Power network through a “master” meter. Each site or load within the embedded network is then privately submetered for billing purposes.

Embedded networks range in size from two customers to hundreds of customers, and can exist within a single premises (Eg. an apartment building) or could be as large as a private distribution network spanning several kilometres supplying multiple large users.

Customers on the private network can be supplied through a master meter (connected to the Western Power network), and through on-site embedded generation (Eg. a solar system or wind farm connected to the private network).

Embedded networks allow customers to aggregate their loads for the purpose of receiving “bulk” electricity supply from an electricity retailer, or for the purpose of justifying the construction of a large renewable energy generator to supply their loads at discounted prices and for reduced environmental impact.

Embedded Network examples:

  • Shopping centres
  • Apartment buildings and retirement villages
  • Commercial office buildings with multiple tenants
  • Industrial customers with multiple sites located in close proximity

AER’s Embedded Network Services

AER provides specialist embedded network services and can provide full turnkey solutions for embedded networks, including the integration of renewable energy to supply the embedded network’s loads.

AER’s Embedded Network capabilities include:

  • Design of embedded networks
  • Permitting for embedded networks (typically High Voltage installations)
  • Installation and commissioning
  • Metering and operation of embedded networks
  • Integration of renewables
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